Qtest weapons no frames

HUD / Weapon / Qtest weapons no frames

General information

Submitted 2011-06-09 by Abraxas, original author: Copyright (C) 1996 id Software, inc.



The ssg, sng and rl are red - they are 'super'-versions of the sg / ng / gl. There is an icon for a red super-lightning gun in the Qtest wad as well. This may explain why the Quake lg icon is double the width of the other weapon icons? The Qtest lg icon is simply a nailgun with a 'electric spark' on it.

Download .zip (25 kb)

Comments » post new

There are 4 comments on this item.

alias (2011-12-09)

and where to study the file,
folder, qw / textures?

alias (2011-12-09)

how to activate? where to
pull,folder I create?, the
folder name

alias (2011-12-09)

give detailed info, how to

Abraxas (2011-12-11)

Put them in your qw/textures/wad directory

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