gun2-gun8 based on Plagues Models

HUD / Weapon / gun2-gun8 based on Plagues Models

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Submitted 2007-10-07 by sLoP (updated 2007-10-08), original author: Plague & me



I took some screenshots of Weapon models from Plagues DM Pak and made some nice, faithful weapon icons. Actually they are not REALLY faithful because the angle is not straight and they are missing a containing box, but on the other hand they are quite ok. As i didn't have any model for the single shotgun, i just removed one barrel of the double shotgun. ;-)

Download .zip (238 kb)

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There are 11 comments on this item.

deus (2007-10-07)

they are nice!

phren (2007-10-07)

shit that's hot!

XantoM (2007-10-07)

Nice work!

jOn (2007-10-16)

cant get em to wrk :( Tried to remove my gfx.wad and replaced my textures/wad dir

mushi (2007-10-21)



j0n make sure there arent .tga files with the same name in /wad folder.
hint: delete /wad folder and create a new one and put these files on it.

must work!

r4(why is my alias invalid?!) (2007-10-21)

i like them but i wish the numbers were removed, then id prolly use them.

i might do this some night when im bored :)

serp (2007-10-22)

good idea, lookin smooth

Empezar (2007-10-22)

added these to nQuake

Vic (2007-10-30)

How come the RL is facing the other way?

megalodon (2007-10-30)


binya (2008-03-17)

yeah make rl face the same way has other models

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