Iron Maiden Legacy Of The Beast (stained glass)
Conbacks / Iron Maiden Legacy Of The Beast (stained glass)
General information
# About
'Iron Maiden Legacy Of The Beast' Quake console backgrounds
/me smacks the logo
'tis bad boy can spawn hell beasts in legions!
Copyrights to the original gfx creator (for me he's unknown), I just used it for non-profit joy of the QuakeWorld fans.
Found some low quality image over the Internet, slightly smoothed colors here and there,
moved Iron Maiden logo to the top, wiped obsolete tour info'...
- On one console added extra black space beneath for better reading console text.
- On the others I moved logos below to look better in-game.
Additional 50% black to make it less blinding.
# Installation
- Go to TGA subdirectory
- Copy selected image to into <quakedir>/qw/gfx directory, if it does not exist, then create one
- make backup of original conback.tga
- rename copied file to conback.tga
- restart game
# Known issues
- one TGA is missing!
Yes, because allows max 20MB.
You can just convert PNG to TGA with for example XnView (
- one of the logos is so bright! `Can't see shit captain` when doing anything in the menus,
because white text blends with the background.
Fix: Deal with it, the background it just too awesome to fix it!
Feel free to drop to the knees and just scratch your eyes out.
# Edits
- fixed drunk typos.
- added additional conback versions
- added tga files
- added readme
- added preview file
- had to remove one tga due to upload limtis
# About me
Wanna thank me?
- Just buy me a beer if you ever meet me :D
Comments love/hate/suggestions?
- reach me on quakenet IRC or on QW Discord - my nick is _KaszpiR_
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