Debug 3D models - faithfull -

Models / Debug 3D models - faithfull -

General information

Submitted 2007-05-31 by PrimeviL (updated 2007-09-18), original author: OriOn



A debug models pack based on original ID models

  • Lot of models are bugged, they're not centered, have size errors, asymmetry, etc...
More details here

Download .zip (236 kb)

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There are 7 comments on this item.

PrimeviL (2007-06-22)

Pack updated !

ok98 (2007-06-29)

The eyes model is going directly on the ground instead of where the player usualy have his eyes.

PrimeviL (2007-07-15)

Dunno why :/
Pack was be updated, eyes removed (because OriOn failed with this mdl for the moment, he shearch an alternative).

PrimeviL (2007-09-18)

Pack udapted again, grenade was wrong mdl...

someone fix this thingy so i can actually type my (2007-09-30)

do these models pass f_modified?

/ ui

Aucard The 3rd (2007-11-20)

can't get them to work, how can i install them for the quake mod Vengeance mod?

ParadokS (2010-11-23)

grenade model is fail, its all black if you use it as a rocket, or even as a normal grenade... black on the backend. it's red normally. had to delete that model to make it playable.

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