Mindgrid:audio High-resolution Quake 1 sounds

Other / Sounds / Mindgrid:audio High-resolution Quake 1 sounds

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Submitted 2011-11-12 by Up2nOgOoD[ROCK] (updated 2011-12-23), original author: Jeremiah Sypult


This is Jebur's Mindgrid:Audio High-resolution Quake 1 sounds originally uploaded to the fuhquake forums. The sources of these sounds are from the original library that ID used to make the quake sounds ( http://www.sound-ideas.com ) so they are very faithful.

The changes I've made to the file are: removed console background graphic and made it into a .pk3, and removed plyrjmp8.wav and damage3.wav - read the readme for more info.

Simply place the .pk3 in this zip file into your id1 folder and ezQuake should load it.

!! BEST HEARD WITH s_khz 44 IN ezQuake !!

Download .zip (21126 kb)

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There are 2 comments on this item.

zzuper (2012-04-06)

i really like em

zzuper (2012-04-06)

i really like em

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