Rocky / woody dm3 textures

Maps / Map textures / Rocky / woody dm3 textures

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Submitted 2011-07-22 by Abraxas (updated 2011-10-18), original author: Abraxas ++



Textures for dm3.
I know the wood sometimes looks silly, like in the big water room, but hey - I was getting tired of the old base look. Most of these textures were found when searching for 'free textures'. Some of the SNG room textures are from Alice.wad.

Edit: Replaced some of the textures with higher-res versions. Fixed some minor mistakes

Download .zip (11325 kb)

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There is 1 comment on this item.

Abraxas (2011-12-28)

Haven't looked at these textures for a couple months, and I have to say they're too ugly for use. Bleak and nasty, awful stuff. I'll bring my camera to a castle in town and take some proper ones when I've got the time for it.

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