Widescreen Conback - Faithful
Conbacks / Widescreen Conback - Faithful
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Submitted 2009-07-10 by BootGuyJoe (updated 2013-04-02), original author: Joey 'BootGuyJoe' Hanley
April 1st 2013: UPDATED TO HD! 1920 X 1080!
I noticed there were very little widescreen conbacks available, so I made one myself. It's faithful remake of the original, and suits the game quite nicely.
Simply extract bgjCON.pak to you QW directory, and add it to your pak.lst
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There are 3 comments on this item.
gnarkilz (2011-07-17)
Very beautiful, as in simple, to the point, clean and slick :)
M4CGYV3R (2012-06-08)
Really nice, thank you!
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Awesome, thankyou!