
Conbacks / Shambler

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Submitted 2007-05-29 by bps (updated 2007-05-29), original author: unknown



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There are 9 comments on this item.

razor (2007-05-31)

very nice, who made the shambler :)

razor (2007-05-31)

Submitted 2007-05-29 by bps <-ah :) gjorde du den i photoshop ?

bps (2007-05-31)

original author: unknown <- I'm not the author razor :)

madlax (2007-06-01)


JohnXmas (2007-06-06)

Poor little pet! He's sooo cute!

Snail (2007-08-25)

Den var tøff ja! It was really cool!

bon3z_ (2007-12-02)

the best conback =) its on my quake and on my phone wallpaper now ^^

unikum (2010-01-14)

best! nuf said

AL.Kernell (2011-06-03)

yeah unikum... nothing more to say!!

THE BEST!!!!!!

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