Config generated using /hud_export command.
ezQuake 2.0 Alpha
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There are 3 comments on this item.
socket (2009-07-29)
AAS (2010-05-20)
This HUD is obsolete, use new one instead - http://gfx.quakeworld.nu/details/352/aas-new-hud/
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Configs (35)
- Charsets (64) Console characters
- Conbacks (76) Console backgrounds
- Crosshairs (30) Custom crosshairs
- HUD (96) Heads Up Display
- Maps (92) Custom maps and map textures
- Models (36) Custom 3D models
- Other (30) Stuff that doesn't fit in the other categories
- Skins (28) Custom skins for friends and foes
- Textures (77) Make your QuakeWorld more beautiful
I wonder what's the name of the map screen is.