Ezepov's bmodels

Textures / Ezepov's bmodels

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Submitted 2008-07-08 by Trickle, original author: Ezepov



check out these amazing bmodels Ezepov has made. very faithful to the original ones.

Download .zip (5457 kb)

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There are 5 comments on this item.

f0cus (2009-03-28)

anyone else have trouble with this download?

f0cus (2009-03-28)

nevermind, I got it working.

AAS (2009-11-25)

Best bmodels textures ever!

whimp (2010-10-16)

the file is invalid?

SputnikUtah (2011-04-09)

rename them to .RAR not .zip and the download will work.

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