Orange DM2

Maps / Map textures / Orange DM2

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Submitted 2007-08-29 by joulukuu (updated 2009-08-09), original author: joulukuu and QRP



The lava texture is from warsow, the steely floor texture is from from some other dm2 retexture (don't know the author, the tele exit and metal in default wall trim is from QRP (edited) and the rest are made by me (with stupid psp tricks - so sue me :E)

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There are 5 comments on this item.

deurk (2007-08-29)

Niiiiice :D
Good idea!

Up2nOgOoD[ROCK] (2007-08-30)

lol nice

bps (2007-08-30)

beautifully warm! I'll try this in combination with my cute g_maxsize settings :)

DeadLy_sp (2007-10-04)

hm, great! looks good !!!

Fragenstein (2007-10-30)

Wicked sick dude. Nice job!

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