deurk's HUD

HUD / Sets / deurk's HUD

General information

Submitted 2007-07-20 by deurk (updated 2007-07-20), original author: deurk (layout), unknown (icon set)



deurk's own made HUD for ezQuake:

  • designed to look good in 1280x1024 and 1024x768
  • simple yet niiiiice
  • easy reading
Note: Remember to type "exec deurk-HUD.cfg" in console to load the layout

Download .zip (542 kb)

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There are 9 comments on this item.

deurk (2007-07-20)

Any comment for improvement?

proz (2007-07-20)

pretty cool, gonna check it out

racersnigeln (2007-07-20)

nice aeroskin (?) upload it :)

deurk (2007-07-20)

Ok... done ;)

deurk (2007-07-20)

Actually, upload failed :/
No error message so I don't know what is going on...

D-Kure (2007-08-05)

This does not work for me, the hud stays the same, I have executed the config provided, is there anything else I need to do?

D-Kure (2007-08-08)

I needed to add scr_newhud "1" to my config....

Snail (2007-08-25)

Extract to: Where?

greyfrog (2007-11-07)

*great* HUD setup :) ty!!!

One problem I had:

need to change the filename on the included "8" graphics:

qw/textures/wad/anum_8.PNG -> qw/textures/wad/anum_8.png
qw/textures/wad/num_8.PNG -> qw/textures/wad/num_8.png

the uppercase file extension can cause problems on any system that has case sensitive filenames. Theses are the only two included graphics with upper case file extensions...

Thanks again!

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